
4 hours availability
~200 retouched image
in a private online gallery

500 €


8 hours availability
~400 retouched image
in a private online gallery

800 €


12 hours availability
~600 retouched image
in a private online gallery

1200 €

Weddingthyme extra

Availability for the whole day
~650 retouched photos
Private online gallery
Couples session on a different date included

-20 instax wide polaroid photos
-2 A4 or 1 A3 size print of your choice
-surprise edits and photomanipulations

1400 €


Wedding on a weekday: -50€

Wedding between November and April : -100€


Couples session

~1,5 hours availability
-50 retouched images

Second photographer

-Available for the whole day if needed
-Price: 30% of the chosen package

Extra hour

-80 € / hr

Polaroid pictures

Instax Wide images + camera
30 € / 20 sheets

Express image processing

-Whole gallery in 10 days
(usual deadline is 30-45 days)
Price: 25% of chosen package